How come my favorite restaurant isn’t listed?
SparkEatz relies on Foursquare’s platform to find restaurants. If a restaurant isn’t listed on Foursquare, it’s unfortunately not going to be available in SparkEatz.
Is all my data backed up? What if I lose my phone?
Your data is backed up in the cloud, so you’ll always have it no matter which phone you log in on.
How come SparkEatz is so amazing? Where have you been all my life?
Thank you for your kind words! We built it based on years of tracking our favorite restaurants in spreadsheets. It all seemed too painful, so SparkEatz was born. We’re so glad you enjoy it as much as we do.
Is it corporate policy to give yourself compliments in an FAQ?
No. It’s actually an app developer’s teenager who’s commandeered the keyboard for one hot second. Sorry, gotta jet — my parents are coming!
If you have more questions, please Contact Us.